BiRC Seminar Series: Talks on bioinformatics and related disciplines, primarily given by external speakers. We aim to hold one seminar per month, typically on Fridays from 14:15 - 15:00.
Wednesday Morning Talks: Short 10-minute presentations on current research topics by BiRC researchers. These take place on Wednesdays from 09:30 - 09:50, including time for questions. Organized by Palle Villesen.
Wednesday Morning Breakfast: Every Wednesday at 9:00, we meet in the coffee room for breakfast and informal discussions on bioinformatics and related topics. We take turns bringing rolls. Dan Søndergaard maintains the rolls list.
Journal Clubs: In general, a journal club is a group of people who meet regularly to discuss one or more scientific papers, providing an excellent opportunity to stay updated on developments in your field. Each time, a participant is responsible for presenting a paper, and all attendees are encouraged to read it in detail beforehand.
BiRC Summer Events: An anual event, usually in June, where we enjoy a walk somewhere in Aarhus.
Office clean-out day. Before the summer vacation, offices are tidied in preparation for the new academic year.
BaRC: The Bar and Recreational Centre at BiRC is a student-driven organisation that arranges Friday bars and other social events. For more details on upcoming events, visit and follow their Facebook page.