Aarhus University Seal


The Bioinformatics Research Centre (BiRC) is made up of researchers and students with a background in a number of different disciplines, including biology, molecular biology, statistics, chemistry, and computer science. The current personnel at BiRC is listed below.

Academic and Administrative Staff

Last name First name Position E-mail Office Comment
Bataillon Thomas Professor tbata@birc.au.dk 1872.365
Bergman Juraj Tenure-track assistant professor jurajbergman@birc.au.dk 1872.367
Besenbacher Søren Associate Professor (at MOMA - partly employed by BiRC)


Birkbak Nicolai Associate professor (at MOMA - partly employed by BiRC) nbirkbak@clin.au.dk 1872.360
Charmouh Anders Poulsen Postdoc apc@birc.au.dk 1872.370
D'Urso Shannon Postdoc s.durso@birc.au.dk 1872.376
Erill Genis Garcia Postdoc genis.erill@birc.au.dk 1872.350
Foldager Leslie Senior Researcher leslie@anivet.au.dk 1872.362
Fredsted Palle Villesen Associate Professor palle@birc.au.dk 1872.355
Grove Jakob Associate Professor grove@biomed.au.dk 1872.362
Halager Anders Egerup Software Engineer ((Dept. of Biomedicine) aeh@biomed.au.dk 1872.359
Knudsen Keld Erik Special Consultant (Dept. of Biomedicine) kknu@biomed.au.dk
Macià   Moises Coll   Postdoc moicoll@birc.au.dk 1872.354
Munch Kasper Associate Professor kaspermunch@birc.au.dk 1872.361
Noer Ellen Center secretary elno@birc.au.dk 1872.369
Pankratov Vasili Postdoc au749273@uni.au.dk 1872.370
Pedersen Christian Storm Associate Professor cstorm@birc.au.dk 1872.349
Pedersen Jakob Skou Professor (at MOMA - partly employed by BiRC) jakob.skou@clin.au.dk 1872.358
Riera Bellés  Meritxell Postdoc mtxellrb@birc.au.dk 1872.350
Schierup Mikkel Heide Professor mheide@birc.au.dk 1872.353
Soraggi Samuele Special Consultant samuele@birc.au.dk 1872.352
Søndergaard Dan Fabricius System administrator (Dept. of Biomedicine)


Vilhjálmsson Bjarni Professor (at BSS -  partly employed by BiRC) bjv@econ.au.dk 1872.354
Wu Mengjun Postdoc wmj@birc.au.dk 1872.370

PhD Students

Last name First name Position E-mail Office Comment
Andersen Laura PhD Student (MOMA) laan@clin.au.dk
Castenschiold Christian Ditlev Funder PhD Student (Microbiology) ditlevfc@gmail.com
Charlton Chester Henry PhD Student hank@birc.au.dk
Diepeveen Emma PhD Student emdi@birc.au.dk 1872
Hansen Oliver Kjærlund PhD Student (MOMA) oliver@clin.au.dk
Lassen Johan Kjeldbjerg PhD Student johan.lassen@birc.au.dk 1872.374 On paternity leave until 25 Nov 2024
Ma Jilong PhD student aujilongm@birc.au.dk 1872.
Pedersen Bjarke Meyer PhD Student bjarke@birc.au.dk 1872.354
Porsborg Peter Sørud PhD Student pepo@birc.au.dk  1872.354
Poulsgaard Gustav PhD Student (MOMA) gap@clin.au.dk
Sendrowski Janek PhD Student sendrowski.janek@birc.au.dk 1872.374
Sørensen Erik Fogh PhD Student eriks@birc.au.dk    1872.374
Vinther Johan Nygaard PhD Student jnv@birc.au.dk 1872.378
Winship Eamon Forster PhD Student 202101653@post.au.dk 1872.378

Internships and Student Programmers

Last name First name Position E-mail Office Comment
Pestaña David Martín Student programmer davidmartinpes@gmail.com
Rodrigo Martín Paula Student programmer 202202641@post.au.dk
Zamora Júlia Salas Student programmer au735249@uni.au.dk