Aarhus University Seal

Eva B. Vedel Jensen


Professor Emerita

Primary affiliation

Eva B. Vedel Jensen

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During my more than forty years long scientific career, I have focused on stereology, integral geometry and stochastic geometry. In the beginning of my scientific career, my research was primarily driven by the need of solving mathematical questions coming from applications in fields such as optical microscopy. Some of my joint publications from this period are highly cited. I have continued this interdisciplinary research during my whole career. The basic mathematics behind this research has now evolved into an independent mathematical discipline, called rotational integral geometry. It contains a wealth of theorems. My most important basic research papers lie within this field. I have also contributed to the theory of spatial point processes. Most of my publications are written jointly with other mathematicians or biomedicines. During my scientific career, I obtained extensive experience in leading collaborative research projects. Since 1 June 2020, I have been professor emerita. I am the author of two research monographs and approximately 90 scientific papers. Below, the most recent publications are listed.

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